
First Male confession

Guess you missed the first 500 male confessions?

2005-01-01, 2:57PM EST

would appreciate any female feedback, email me...

College girl confession.. part 2

Glad we're helping you get over your insecurities...Very cuty figure, by the way.

2005-01-01, 10:27AM EST

Thanks for all the nice emails everyone! I guess it's true you can't let yourself be insecure when nobody will ever know who you are. Which makes it fun! So here's a couple I snapped this morning. 34 B/C braless now. haha Still using a cam phone with apparently bad lighting, I'm sorrty!

The original

New Year's Confession

Self-pleasure...What a way to begin the new year :)

2005-01-01, 4:18AM EST

After seeing all of these yummy confessions I'm going to have to go to bed and spend some time with my "silver bullet"

Late Night Confession Take II

Leaving so soon?

2005-01-01, 4:00AM EST

Nite nite.

Late Night Confession

And we're very glad you could join us...

2005-01-01, 3:58AM EST

just got home and thought I'd add to the fun

double chick confession

Hot, hot, hot! At this time we are unable to make any further comments...

2005-01-01, 3:02AM EST

Here you go! Enjoy! How do you like our New Year's resolution???

Confession from Kauai --- Part Four

Almost there...

2005-01-01, 1:13AM EST

Last one before I head out to the New Year's party

drunk confession

And what appears to be our first picture of a "happy ending". Very nice.

2005-01-01, 1:10AM EST


Confession - All Natural Italian Muscle

We're glad to know that even at your age, you're still making an effort to be "fair".

>2005-01-01, 1:00AM EST

love the pics ladies! to be fair, i had to post one.

Confession from Kauai --- Part Three

Enjoying this aren't you? Not that we're complaining...

2005-01-01, 12:51AM EST

If I have enough to drink later tonight, which seems inevitable, maybe I'll have a friend take a picture of the "the twins" in their natural state.


How'd that work out for you?

2005-01-01, 12:18AM EST

Taking any and all offers

Confession from Kauai --- Part Deux

More skin...Yummy!

2005-01-01, 12:17AM EST

a little more skin

My confession from Kauai

Are you sure you don't live on the big island? Your chest seems to indicate otherwise...

2004-12-31, 11:57PM EST

yes, "a confession" has now made it's way to hawaii

confessions happy new year

Apparently there's a strong correlation between confessions and being a lil drunk...

2005-01-01, 12:10AM EST

we're a lil drunk


Thank you again to our adult beverage sponsors...

2005-01-01, 12:08AM EST

we're a lil ........drunk

Another Confession

And the first contribution from the desert...Very nice :)

2004-12-31, 11:50PM EST

This one comes to you from Tucson


Anything goes...Very bold statement!

2004-12-31, 11:34PM EST

What can I say - here's my confession ...
For the record I dig females only - sorry guys but I only participate if the only cock there is mine.
Other than that - anything goes!

My Confession from Austin, TX

Well the Beantown crowd definitely appreciates you and, more importantly, your twins.

2004-12-31, 10:10PM EST

Since it won't be appreciated on the Austin R&R...

Happy New Year Beantown

Confession: Banana Guy

Would it be wrong if you only loved 99%? We didn't think so.

2004-12-31, 10:07PM EST

Okay, I'm hanging at home tonight to take care of my injured doggie and have been reading these confession for the first time. Too funny, in a good way. Anyways, I thought I'd post mine and get some opinions from the ladies. I know what the guys are going to say but I 100% love women. What do you ladies think of a man with a nipple piercing?

Male Confession Happy New Year

A cyclist?

2004-12-31, 10:00PM EST

Hope you like

My confession

All of the sudden the Windy City has become much more enjoyable...

2004-12-31, 9:59PM EST

Another confession from the Windy City.

woman of Color Confession pt. 3

Keep 'em coming...

2004-12-31, 8:53PM EST

one more before watchign movies....

Newton girl is back

We prefer "very enjoyable" vs addictive. But whatever makes your cookie crumble.

2004-12-31, 8:49PM EST

This is addictive...sorry that I forgot my little post-it.

"C" Girl confession

At attention, eh?

2004-12-31, 8:40PM EST

this "C" girl confesses that she is satiated this new years by my guy, he gave it to me from all directions earlier....


Very nice!

2004-12-31, 8:10PM EST

To the handsome man who requested a post it note - Happy New Year!

umass confession

We'd appreciate seeing some faces as well but beggers can't be choosers. Or can we?

2004-12-31, 8:08PM EST

so curious about those faces that belong to those body parts!! girls and guys ;)

Dorm Confession

Legs...Need we say more?

2004-12-31, 7:42PM EST

I took this pic before vacation - maybe I'll post again when I get back!


confession #4

Cute barbells. Would you like us to help you during your next workout?

2004-12-30, 6:17PM PST

another woman with no shame :)

verification word: ethic - no joking

Confession #1 take 2

And Happy New Year to you and your twins!
2004-12-31, 1:12PM PST

Happy New Year to all!

Confession #2

Your words were almost as beautiful as your breasts...

2004-12-30, 5:17PM PST

Confession #1

And now the women of Seattle have decided to join us...If we can be of assistance, please let us know.

2004-12-30, 4:09PM PST

Let's start this:

Happy New Year! Asian Confession

And Happy New Year to you as well.

2004-12-31, 7:09PM EST

Happy New Years everyone!!! Be safe and designate a driver. For those of you who are spending new years alone, send me your confession if you're bored.

Confession from an "older" chick 4

We're looking forward to tomorrow!

2004-12-31, 6:35PM EST

Last one boys and girls, time to go get ready for NYE party. More tomorrow...

College girl confession

We'll do our best to make you more secure...

2004-12-31, 6:50PM EST

Really insecure college girl here.. I forgot the CL note, lol. It's def me enhanced by a good Fredrick's bra

*edit.. camera phone pic by the way, sorry for the poor quality!

Confession of a nurse

Naughty, naughty nurse...Thank you :)

2004-12-31, 6:56PM EST

You girls and guys (love the chest, ab and boxer shots) are getting me so hot and bothered I had to post one of my own. More in the morning, including a post-it.

Nurse 34C

One more confession

You're making it difficult for us to resist as well...

2004-12-31, 6:19PM EST

Couldn't resist. Happy New Year!

Confession from an "older" chick 3

Is your "v-word" a hint at what we should expect to see next?

2004-12-31, 6:14PM EST

Thanks for the emails, both boys and girls :)

Confession from an "older" chick 2

Another fabulous pic!

2004-12-31, 5:08PM EST

Just another pic of me...

Confession from a 30s chick

Not too late or too old. Just right!

2004-12-31, 4:43PM EST

Hope I'm not too late or too old!